this is an important issue and we have hearts. I hate when people say under pictures no one will REBLOG this because it’s not a skinny girl like we don’t care about anything else. This is one example of many innocent lives being threatened for no reason.
This is deeper than everything, how can someone ignore what’s happening in Gaza at the moment.
I know no one will, because this isn’t a picture of a skinny girl or a deep meaningful quote. Are these pics good enough anon? I hope all of my gay furry porn loving followers enjoy these pics. Sadly i could not find a lot of pics meeting that description. I just turned my phone side to side 852150 notes - thefuuuucomicsĪn anon requested some cute gay foxes. I WOULD GO AND TRY TO GET SELFIES/AUTOGRAPHS W/ AND FROM MY FAVORITE ACTORS/ACTRESSES EVERYONE SHOULD GO TO COMIC CON 342733 notes - galvezon I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN WITH BOLD ITALIC CAPS LOCK HOW MUCH I WANT TO GO THERE I WOULD GO THERE IN MY UNDERWEAR IF I HAD TO To prove a point to my mom, Reblog if you would go to comic con if you could.I’m trying to cut back on reblogging, but god dammit Avatar… 1080402 notes - coreywankenobi Group Photo - by Syynx 134 notes - marrythefurryĪbuse - by SalKitten 90 notes - marrythefurry Night Lights - by SalKitten 100 notes - marrythefurry Nice shot - by harlem 62 notes - marrythefurry Well this is adorable 757 notes - ultimatefurrygalleryīeachy Breeze - by Spazzyhusky 338 notes - greyjaeger